Tips and Tricks to see the World for Less

Hello and welcome to our page. We are the Penny Pinching Globetrotters. Almost 8 years ago I was laying on my couch sick from chemo dreaming about what I wanted to do when I was better. Turns out most of my bucket list revolved around travel. So we rented out our house, paid cash for an older RV, left our careers, and set out to travel with $10,000 for as long as we could.
It has been almost 8 years since we hit the road. We have seen 41 National Parks, 20 National Monuments, camped in 47 states, gone to 25 countries and logged 60,000 miles on our RV.
We have done all of this on a budget and have even learned how to do some things for FREE. Yes, for FREE!!! In fact after almost seven years of fulltime travel we have more money than when we started!
We share our journey in hopes of inspiring
others to go for their dreams and become Penny Pinching Globetrotters. Don't wait until later to live your dreams. Later is not promised.
Melissa & Wade