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Workamping Jobs-Go Beyond Camp Hosting

Writer: Melissa NanceMelissa Nance

national park jobs
Workamping jobs more than just camp hosting

I believe there’s a misconception out there that most workamping jobs available involve hosting at a campsite. I see it often in Facebook groups where someone asks about how to make money living on the road or about RV jobs on the road and most people suggest workamping jobs that involve Camp hosting. While Camp hosting is a great way to have an RV job on the road there are lots of other workamping jobs available.

When we set out to find RV jobs/workamping jobs on the road we knew we wanted something besides a camp hosting job. As our goal is to travel to all the National Parks we thought a job in a national park sounded more appealing. The thought of living in or just outside a national park would be bucket list stuff for us. To get paid to do it made it irresistible.

Through my research I discovered that there were lots of seasonal workamping jobs in our national parks. In fact, you can have an NPS job and work directly for the National Park Service or you can work for a concessionaire who operates within a National Park. With this knowledge I knew there were lots of National Park jobs so I set out to find us one.

There are lots of different types of workamping jobs in the National Parks. Inside National Parks you can find hotels, cabins, gas stations, restaurants, coffee shops, gift shops, golf courses, campgrounds, small grocery stores and sometimes even a post office. At some parks there are activities like boating, rafting, horseback riding, snowshoeing, skiing, wildlife tours and more. It takes a large seasonal staff to pull it off which means lots of workamping jobs in National Park in lots of different areas.

grand Teton National Park
Our workamping job was at Grand Teton National Park

Plus there are usually lots of jobs at each National Park. Everything from management and the staff to support it all like accounting, housekeeping, human resources, buyers, IT, Maintenance, and grounds and... it takes a lot to operate everything in the National Parks which means there is a National Park workamping job for you!

Our strategy was to apply for any National Park job that interested us. Which means we usually apply for as many as 30 workamping jobs each season. If you are open to taking the best job that you can get and applying for as many jobs as you can, you should be able to get a job.

We have worked three seasons at workamping jobs in National Park. Our first workamping job was with a concessionaire where we managed a gift shop in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. The next National Park workamping job was with the actual National Park Service where Wade did Maintenance at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina. And the most recent NPS job was with another concessionaire at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington where Wade is again working Maintenance. The last two National Parks we have been to I have chosen not to work. But don't worry there are lots of workamping jobs for couples.

lighthouse, cape hatteras light house, light house
We loved spending a season at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

All three of these National Park workamping jobs have included an hourly wage along with a campsite. At two spots we paid nothing and at one we paid $320 a month to be camped steps away from the beach. All of the workamping jobs we have had in the National Parks have provided full hookups and free laundry. Some have provided free internet, in the one case where it wasn't provided there was a strong signal so we just used our phones. You can usually expect that the camping site provided will be either free or at a greatly reduced rate compared to anything else you would find inside or close to a national park.

In addition, we have experienced perks like discounts as much as 50% off at restaurants and stores operated by the employer. We have even enjoyed free activities when offered by the employer like raft trips and horseback rides. Plus we have even earned sick and vacation days for seasonal work.

By working for national parks we have lived for 5-6 months each year in some amazing places that we otherwise could not afford and made money! Because our living expenses are so low we are able to save enough money working half the year at jobs in National Parks that we can travel the other half of the year.

For us workamping jobs in National Parks have made our RV life a reality. We have met amazing people that we are friends with to this day. And earned money while living in beautiful areas.

We highly recommend applying for a National Park Service workamping job. Each year that we have wanted a job we have found one in the parks we want to be at. In fact I have written all about our process to finding a job in a National Park so it will be easier for you to find an NPS job. All you need to get started is a computer, internet and a resume. Learn how to find your dream job in a National Park here.

RV campsite
Our RV site while working at Mount Rainier National Park

What type of workamping jobs are you interested in? Which National Park are you dreaming of working at?

Happy Trails,


Penny Pinching Globetrotter


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09 de dez. de 2022

I've done the same as you - I started in 1995 in my 40's. Applied to Yosemite, Yellowstone, Glacier and Tetons. Got job offers at all four, 3 on front desk, minimum wage - clerk, the 4th in accounting. Had been to 3 of 4 parks, but not Glacier so off I went for the summer. Had more fun than I probably have ever had. Lived in a dorm named Menopause Manor; played golf, hiked; worked, and dined with all these other women, some who are still friends. From there I worked my way up to Front Desk Manager and later Location Manger - in Yellowstone - then as Park Ranger for the NPS. I did it for 12 …

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